
Showing posts from April, 2017

3 Best Vegetarian Food Outlets in Kuwait

Kuwait is a beautiful country from the middle-east with incredible scenic beauty. There is a lot to discover and explore. Food in Kuwait is delicious too. However, vegetarians always wonder if they will be able to source vegetarian food there. This is because Kuwait is primarily a non-vegetarian country and owing to its geographical location, climatic conditions don’t favour the growth of vegetation. Most of it is imported from other countries, leaving the country with a population that largely consumes non-vegetarian food. There is no need to get disheartened since despite these issues, there are a lot of restaurants that serve ‘pure’ vegetarian food. Delighted? Let’s talk about the 3 vegetarian restaurants that serve the best food in Kuwait .   Udipi Restaurant, Sharq Indians love their staple form south India and there is a restaurant that serves south Indian delicacies in Kuwait too! From steaming Idlis to scrumptious Dosas, there is nothing that you will not find h